Sir Please Tell me What is NUST Paying Cadat..?

QuestionsCategory: Medical QuestionsSir Please Tell me What is NUST Paying Cadat..?
Iqra asked 8 years ago

Sir Please tell me what is NUST Paying Cadat and Criteria..?

5 Answers
Admin Staff answered 8 years ago

Dear Student 

  • These are the seats for army reserving or retired. 
  • They selected on merit and their merit is slightly lower than the open merit.
  • They just have to submit a form that will be available in GHQ (in june/july). 
  • Their fee is less than the NUST cadets, they have a bond of 3 years that is they have to serve army for 3 years, if they leave before 3 years, they have to submit a fine of one, Two or Three lakh depending on which year they have resigned.

Regards Team Eduvision.

Hamza iftikhar answered 8 years ago

Sir my nums aggregate is 77% and mcat 86.7 % …
I have heard that i can apply for cmh lahore on the basis of both tests what are probable chances…

Hebah replied 7 years ago

If I have a dual nationality. Am I eligible for Pc. My father is Airforce retired. Aggregate is 87.01

Admin Staff answered 8 years ago

Dear Hamza CMH Lahore Accept Only NUMS Entry Test or SAT-II. Check Here.

Good Luck!
Team Smart Eduvision

huma answered 7 years ago

sir my amc aggregate is 73.481818181818

huma answered 7 years ago

can i get admission in any amc?